Versions Compared


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As development has continued some extra functionality is needed to intergrate integrate the player controller with more new variables and playmaker state machine triggers.

Stamina Integration:

Stamina is the INT-based resource that’s spent when the player character attacks or interacts with the world and it’s entities.


It’s now also a resource that sits at a Maximum until player inputted interactions “Drain” the resource.

It’s then replenished over-time by recharging itself.


Stunned disables Interact Input:

1: I’ve created a “Stunned” state that occurs for a time after the player character gets hit by an enemy.

This is handled in the playmaker FSM object: “Logic - Stunned Logic”

2: When the player character is stunned a playmaker global bool called “Player Stunned” is set to “True”

3: When this playmaker global bool is true I’d like the “interact” input to be disabled.

Meaning: If the player character is stunned, then they cant attack .until the bool is back to “False”

New Animator Variable Settings in Inspector:

The following are additional “Animator Variable Settings” that need to be exposed in the inspector

Animator Character Attack

If the player hits inputs the “interact” input successfully.


  • Note: I’m currently


  • faking this via the playmaker FSM object “Logic - Attack Sprite Animation”


  • .
    I’d delete the playmaker logic out once it’s part of the player controller.

  • I’d delete it because it currently has no way of knowing if an attack is valid to do. So it just does it everytime.

  • Image Added

Animator Character Attack Failed

This should trigger If the player hits inputs the “Interact” input but doesn’t have the player stamina to pay for it .


Global Variable Name


Variable type


Playmaker or Animator Integration?




Default Variable Setting:








Keyboard Input


The input needed to move down. (-Y)




Keyboard Input


The input needed to move left. (-X)


or if the player is currently stunned.