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This page details what needs to be scripted to make a working Player movement controller for this project.


The player movement controller - Dungeon Movement is the first and most important piece of custom scripting needed for the project. With player movement in place a lot of other aspects of design aspects can be prototyped and refined.

There’s going to be two methods of movement. Although for now only oneDungeon Movement needs to be implemented.:

  1. Dungeon Movement: Input-Timed movement based on 1 input = 1 unit of movement.

  2. Town Movement: Free, continuous movement based on momentum over time. (Not relevant to this page.)

How it should play

Movement Basics:

  • The player character is near the middle of the screen, the camera follows them.

  • The dungeon is presented from a top down 2D perspective and the floor is broken up into visually clear to see square spaces.

  • Each of these square spaces is measured in-engine at 1 unity unit squared.

  • The player character navigates by moving in 4 directions from one space square to another spacethe next: They can move UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.

  • 1 Player Made Input = 1 Unit of movement made

  • Movement is not continued if the input is held down.

  • If the player character encounters collision a collider in the projected direction they wish to move: No movement is made.


Rhythm Timing:

  • Like in the game Crypt of the Necrodancer, this game has a rhythm timing aspect to it.

  • This means the player doing actions like moving and attacking is checked against the beat of the music playing.

  • A “True/False” Bool Check will be done via playmaker and is exposed via a playmaker bool global variable.

However: Our game is going to be more forgiving then Necrodancer from a design sense in that:

  • Failing to match the beat to movement input incurs no penalties.

  • Successfully match the beat to movement input rewards a bonus.

    • That bonus will be determined through other scripts / playmaker state machines.

Similar Examples from other games


The player controller for Dungeon Movement in this game is almost identical. The differences lay in what happens when the player moves successfully or fails to move to the beat.

VIdeo Link

Widget Connector


Dungeon Movement Component Script:

  • This script should work as a “Component” in unity. Meaning it’ll be attached to an Object in the Hierarchy. Most likely somewhere in the player character object.

  • Similar to Unity's “Character Controller” Component.

Script Integrations:

  • Integration with Playmaker: The Unity Package “Playmaker” has its own “Global Variables” list that’s that can be used across making multiple state machines. These will be used as triggers for matching up the beat of the music to the players input.

    • Example: There may be a global variable bool called “On Beat” Beat?” - If the player moves while the variable is set to true then it’s considered a successful rhythm timing.

  • Integration with Unity animator variables: Unity can use “Animation variables” for like: Int, Float, Bool, & Trigger - This player movement script should be able to communicate with them.

How Collision works

  • the ones it’s told to.


What the Playmaker Global Variables Window Looks like.


What the animator “Parameters” looks like when it has triggers in it.

How Collision works

  • The Character, enemies, objects in the dungeon and walls will be assigned Polygon Collider 2Ds.

  • The script should check to see if it registers a polygon collider 2D in the square it’s trying to move into.

    • If it does detect one It wont move the character forward into it.

    • If it detects no colliders, it’ll move the player into the square.

Interacting with Objects in the world

The player can interact with objects such as Chests, Enemies and Prisoners.

For the player to interact directly with an object, three things need to be true:

  1. They are standing 1 unity unit or less next to it.

  2. They are pressing a movement direction button in the correct direction of the object. (They wont move due to the collision rules being abided.)

  3. They have also pressed the “Action Button 1” input. (eg: Hitting spacebar.)

When all three conditions are met then the player character will spawn an invisible trigger volume in the space of the object for an amount of time.

This trigger volume will be detected by whatever playmaker state machine or script is attached to the object in that space and count it as a successful interaction.

That objects state machine will then take on the responsibilities for the rest of the interaction. Up until player control is returned to the player.

Some examples:

  • If it was a chest. The character would animate opening a chest and collecting loot.

  • If it was an enemy. The character would animate attacking it and entering into a battle sequence.

  • If it was a doorway. The character would animate entering into the doorway.

On Beat Check:

A “On Beat” Check will also be made to see if the interaction was done to the beat of the music. If it is that triggers a global variable true bool that may incur some bonuses for the player.

Disabled Player Movement Control

There are multiple times when Dungeon Movement needs to be disabled. Such as when the player is in a battle sequence or trying to solve a puzzle on screen. Possibly even cutscenes.

Disabling player movement should be controlled by a Playmaker Global Variable Bool.

The dungeon movement scripts job is to detect the state of the bool and act accordingly:

  • Detects False: Player Movement and object interaction is permitted.

  • Detects True: Player Movement and object interaction is Disabled.

This does not disable the keyboard inputs from the game as they’ll be used in UI Screens, enemy encounters, and puzzles. It just stops the player character moving or triggering any more interactions from the dungeon until the variable is set to false again.

Exposed Variables

The following variables for the component script should be exposed in the unity Inspector window to allow some customization and design tuning.

Variable Name

Variable type

Playmaker or Animator Integration?


Default Variable Setting:

Movement UP

Keyboard Input

The input needed to move up. (+Y)


Movement DOWN

Keyboard Input

The input needed to move down. (-Y)


Movement LEFT

Keyboard Input

The input needed to move left. (-X)


Movement RIGHT

Keyboard Input

The input needed to move Right. (+X)


Action Button 1

Keyboard Input

The input needed to count an action.

Action button 1 will be the games main “Context Sensitive” button. In that it accounts for opening chests, engaging in battles, etc.


Movement Distance


The distance in unity units the player moves per successful input


Next Movement Delay


The time in seconds that the player has to wait until another movement input will register and send off checks.

Setting to -1 will equate to no delay


Next Action Delay


The time in seconds that the player has to wait until they can perform another action after completing one.

Setting to -1 will equate to no delay


Playmaker Integrations:

On Beat Check

Bool Name

Playmaker global variable

The name of the playmaker global variable bool that it checks to see if the input was made “On Beat”

The true / false state of this variable is determined external to this script.

On Beat?

On Beat Move Success

Bool Name

Playmaker global variable

The name of the playmaker global variable bool this script sets to true if the “On Beat Check” comes back as true on a movement input.

A playmaker state machine will check for the true change and then reset it back to false after an amount of time.

On Beat Move Success

On Beat Interaction Success

Bool Name

Playmaker global variable

The name of the playmaker global variable bool this script sets to true if the “On Beat Check” comes back as true on a object interaction input.

A playmaker state machine will check for the true change and then reset it back to false after an amount of time.

On Beat Interaction Success

Movement Disabled

Bool Name

Playmaker global variable

The name of the playmaker global variable this script checks to see if it needs to disable movement.

The script should be making this check quite often.

Move Disabled?

Unity Animator Integrations:

Animator Component Location

Object Path

The path location of the object that has the character “animator” component attached to it.


Movement Animator Name

Trigger (Animator) Name


The name of the animator trigger variable it triggers when a successful movement is made.

Character Move

On Beat Move Animator Name

Trigger (Animator) Name


The name of the animator trigger variable that it triggers when a movement is made “On Beat”

Character On Beat

No Movement Animator Name

Trigger (Animator) Name


The name of the animator trigger variable that it triggers when an input resulted in no movement.

Character No Movement