Player Character Stats

Page Overview

This page details the stats the player character has and how they affect the state of play.

Character Stats

The following are stats associated with the player character that can be:

  • Increased through improving the character.

  • Increased through using items.

  • Increased through changing equipment.


The higher the value:

  • The more actions in a dungeon run can be taken.

  • The longer they can be in the dungeon.


The higher the value:

  • The more invisible enemies and traps are detected and shown in a dungeon room.

  • The more invisible chests and treasures are detected and shown in a dungeon room.

Bind Magic

The higher the value:

  • The more stamina is deducted from enemies on a successful attack.

  • The cheaper a power attack action costs against enemies with easier difficulties.

Unbind Magic

The higher the value:

  • The more tries / steps the player gets in a remove bondage from prisoner puzzle.

  • The cheaper a power unbind action costs against prisoners with easier difficulties.


The higher the value:

  • The less stamina is deducted from the player character on a successful defend action. Up to and including none.