Disarm Trap Encounters

Disarm Trap Encounters

Page Overview

This page outlines the specific design details on how disarm trap encounters are played from engaging them to completing them.

Disarming a Trap vs Triggering a Trap

  • If a visible trap is approached by the player, they get a chance to disarm it. (Via a puzzle)

  • If a visible or invisible trap is triggered by the player moving into its radius without having specifically disarmed it then it triggers and cannot be disarmed.

What Determines Trap Visibility?

  • The player characters “Perception” Stat. The higher the stat, the more trap types it can reveal.

Disarm Trap Encounter Flow

Engaging a Trap to Disarm it

A Disarm Trap encounter is started through clicking on a visible trap in on the dungeon floor.

Encounter Intro

When a trap is engaged, a short intro plays that transitions from the design floor view to the trap screen view.

The puzzle appears immediately, looking like the mechanism that controls the trap.

Player Actions

Once overlooking the Disarm Trap puzzle the player can do the following actions:

  • Spend stamina to attempt to solve the puzzle and disarm the trap.

  • Use power disarm trap action to bypass the puzzle.

  • Use an inventory item to disarm the trap. (If there’s one available.)

Disarm Trap Puzzle

  • Disarming the trap costs stamina. Which is paid upon approaching the trap to disarm it.

  • The player gets a number of turns or tries to solve the puzzle. The easier the trap, the more generous the tries.

  • If the puzzle isn’t solved after all tries are used then the trap triggers and activates.

  • These puzzles may or may not be time sensitive, depending on the trap.

Power Disarm Trap

  • This open can be taken at the start of disarming a trap.

    • If the player instead chooses to try and solve the puzzle then the option is removed.

  • It solves the puzzle associated with the trap mechanism instantly.

  • However, it also costs more stamina to use then if the puzzle was attempted.

Use Inventory

  • This only appears if there’s a relevant item to disarm the type of mechanism (Puzzle) associated with the trap.

  • This option can be used any time.

  • There are multiple types of locks.

  • More info available in items document.

Ending a Disarm Trap Encounter

A disarm trap encounter only ends when:

  • The puzzle has been solved and the trap is disarmed.

  • The puzzle was failed with all retries used up, the trap triggers and activates.

If disarmed the player will get some resources and EXP as a reward.

If instead triggered, the player will instead bare the effects of the trap.

Concept Art


Disarm Trap Engaged Thumbnail Sketch

Disarm Trap Puzzle Thumbnail Sketch

Trap Design 1: Tape Wall Trap

Trap Description: Integrated into the wall of the dungeon. It shoots out bondage tape that binds up the player and reduces their stamina.

Number of Puzzles to Disarm: 1

Perception stat needed to see trap: 1

Difficulty of Puzzle: Easy

Stamina Cost to Attempt Disarm: 1

Stamina Cost to Force Disarm: 4

Possible Rewards if Trap Disarmed:

  • Treasure

  • Building Materials

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