Gameplay Loops
The Core Gameplay Loop
Is the cycle of venturing into the dungeon to:
Free Prisoners
Gather Resources
Find Floor Keys to progress to the next dungeon Floor.
Then once progress can no longer be made, returning to the town to:
Stock up on supplies needed to dungeon delve again.
Rebuild the town using resources gathered.
Talk to the freed prisoners / townsfolk and fulfill their needs.
Screen by Screen Core Gameplay Loop
Presented is a flow diagram that shows how the game flows from screen to screen through the core loop of:
Entering the dungeon from the town.
Playing through a dungeon floor and encountering enemies, prisoners and other objects until exiting.
Either exiting back to town or progressing to another dungeon floor.
Gameplay flow Diagram
Gameplay flow Diagram in thumbnail sketch form
The Dungeon Floor Gameplay Loop
Is the cycle of:
Exploring the dungeon to find:
Prisoners to free
Enemies to avoid or defeat
Traps to disarm or encounter.
Resources to collect
The Exit Key and Exit location
Once the player has the exit key and progressed to the exit location. They have two choices:
To return to town with their collected resources and items.
Progress to the next dungeon floor.
Screen by Screen Dungeon Floor Gameplay Loop
This details the flow of playing through a typical dungeon floor.
The Town Gameplay Loop
Is the cycle of:
Returning to town after exiting the dungeon.
Having your most critical stats and items replenished.
Talking to townsfolk and freed prisoners for their requests.
Spending materials to buy buildings and items for the town.
Equipping your character for the next dungeon delve.
Entering the dungeon.
Screen by Screen Dungeon Floor Gameplay Loop
This details the flow of returning to town and doing actions to help them on their next dungeon run.