Dungeon Floors

Page Overview

This page covers the high-level details of what constitutes a Dungeon Floor as well as what objects are expected within it.

What’s a Dungeon Floor

A dungeon floor is a single “Level” of a dungeon that the player must explore, collect resources, encounter puzzles (Enemies and Prisoners)

Its layout at first is a mystery to the player and needs to be explored to reveal its treasures and dangers.

What’s Encountered on a Dungeon Floor

There’s a lot to encounter on each dungeon floor:

  • Loose Treasure: This resource can be freely picked up and put into the player inventory.

  • Loose Building Materials: This resource can be freely picked up and put into the player inventory.

  • Treasure Chests: These can be unlocked via a puzzle to obtain resources or items. Sometimes it’s a trap.

  • Captive Prisoners: Prisoners can be engaged with and freed via a puzzle sequence.

  • Enemies: These can be engaged with and defeated via a puzzle sequence.

  • Traps: These can be disarmed via a puzzle sequence.

  • A Floor Exit Key: A unique item needed to exit that dungeon floor without penalty.

  • A Floor Exit: Allows the player to exit the dungeon.

  • A Floor Entrance: Serves no purpose other then to landmark where you started on the dungeon floor.

How is a Dungeon Floor Explored

  • A dungeon floor is explored room-by-room.

  • If a room hasn’t been explored before its contents are a mystery.

  • When the player enters a room for the first time the contents are revealed. (Unless it’s a hiding enemy or concealed trap.)

  • Hiding enemies or concealed traps will reveal itself when the player character is in physical proximity to them.

  • When in a room the player character can move around it and interact with the objects inside of it freely.

Each Room can contain the following objects:

  • Loose Treasure

  • Visible Enemies

  • Hidden Enemies

  • A Floor Entrance

  • Loose Building Materials

  • Visible Traps

  • Hidden Traps

  • Treasure Chests

  • A Floor Exit Key

  • Captive Prisoners

  • A Floor Exit

What Objectives are on Each Dungeon Floor

The only requirement the player needs to complete and exit a dungeon floor is to collect the Floor Exit Key item and reach the floor exit with it in their inventory.

However there is an optional objective:

  • Once all Prisoners have been freed that dungeon floor gains the “Liberated” Status on the dungeon map.

Traps and Enemies can respawn on dungeon floors even if that floor has been exited previously.

Dungeon floors can be replayed indefinitely.

How to Enter and Exit a Dungeon Floor

A dungeon floor is entered by either:

  • Selecting that floor on the Dungeon Map when entering the dungeon from the Town.

  • Progressing to that floor by exiting the previous floor.

A dungeon floor is exited by either:

  • Collecting an Exit Key and reaching the floor exit.

  • Fainting due to reaching zero stamina and returning to the town with penalties.