Narrative - Intro Cutscene and Tutorial Level

This page lists information about The Bindmancers Introduction Cutscene

When does the cutscene trigger?

It triggers just before the tutorial level.


What’s the content of the intro cutscene?



Dialogue (Spoken by the villainess)



Dialogue (Spoken by the villainess)

1 - Establishing The Bindmancer

The Bindmancer in casual clothing approaching the tower gate by coming off the bridge.

My tower stands eternal as a temptation to those who dare to enter it. A mighty structure of earthly desires and magical will.

2 - At the Gate

The Bindmancer looks at a photo of her old adventuring friends. Then looks up to the tower gate to see them and the villainess behind it.

Everyone has their reasons to pass through the gate and enter inside. Be it for glory or greed, righteousness or lust. Or even once in a while a mission of mercy.

3 - Taunted by the Villain

The villain hovers behind the gate with her friends captured. Taunting the Bindmancer to enter and try to rescue her friends.

And you. Do you think you have the willpower to best the temptations within this tower little one? Can you rescue all those who you hold dear?

4 - Passing through the gate

The Bindmancer passes through the gate. Being transformed into the attire she has in-game.

Then simply pass through the gate, for no one who enters this Tower does so without consenting to all the pleasures and consciences that lurk within.

5 - Transformed and going inside

She enters into the dungeon and the doors close behind her. Fade to black.

For my Tower stands eternal, here to reveal to those who enter who they truly are…