Prisoner Encounters

Prisoner Encounters

Page Overview

This page outlines the specific design details on how an prisoner encounter is played from starting the encounter to completing it.

Prisoner Encounter Flow

Engaging a Prisoner Encounter

  1. A prisoner encounter is started by approaching any captive prisoner visible on the dungeon floor.

  2. The scene will then transition from the dungeon floor view to the prisoner encounter view.

  3. A short animated intro plays of the prisoner pleading for help.

  4. After the animation plays, the player can start to unbind the prisoner.

Unbinding the Prisoner

  • Unbinding the prisoner is a step by step process.

  • The player selects which body part they want to unbind.

  • The player then selects what action they’d like to take:


Puzzle Unbind

  • A puzzle unbinding is the main form of unbinding

  • It costs a small amount of stamina to do.

  • It contextualizes the unbinding into completing a small puzzle.

  • There’s three results of each puzzle:

    • Failed: The unbinding fails and the stamina cost is spent.

    • Successful: The unbinding succeeds and the bondage is taken off the prisoner. The stamina cost is spent.

    • Perfect: If the puzzle was completed perfectly then the unbinding succeeds and the stamina cost to the player is refunded.

  • An animation plays upon the successful unbinding where that area of bondage is magically removed.

Power Unbind

  • A power unbind is direct and doesn’t require doing a puzzle.

  • It has no fail state. It guarantees the bondage is removed.

  • However it also costs much more stamina then the puzzle unbind.

  • Some types of bondage are immune to power unbinds and this action can’t be used. The puzzle must be solved.

Use Inventory

  • This only appears if there’s a relevant item to use.

  • The item is an associated “Key” to the type of bondage. ie: A key for a lock. A rune stone for runic bindings. Etc.

  • More info available in items document.

Ending an Prisoner Encounter

An Prisoner encounter ends when:

  • The player has removed all the bondage from the prisoner, Freeing them.

  • The player exits the prisoner freeing screen with the prisoner still bound and helpless.

If the prisoner is freed. An animation plays where they’re teleported out of the dungeon while rewards are given to the player.

Concept Art

Prisoner Engagement Thumbnail Sketch

Prisoner Unbind Puzzle Thumbnail Sketch

Prisoner Encounter Design 1: The Wall Ornament

Prisoner Difficulty: Basic / Beginner

What it does: A character in peril stuck against a wall, bound by the wrists and thighs as their sides are tickled lightly.

Unbinding Layers: 1

Unbinding Points: 2

  • Wrists - Cuff and Lock type bondage.

  • Thighs - Stone and Rune type bondage.


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